Thursday, December 22, 2011
Thanks for the season
It was a difficult season, started off with actually removing ice of of 4 greens after the great snow in January. I've been here 16 seasons, that was a first.
Course opened in March, employees came back at the end of the month, had the course looking great.
May was the first test, with our I-80 Amateur test, rained both days, had well over an 1.5" of rain in 2 days......then the first of 2 flood events in May and June.
June was going okay, until the direct lightning strike to the irrigation system, then lost some turf on the 14th fwy, 14th green was good. It finally came down to soil chemistry, water, and juvenile turf that succumb to the heat and flooding.
July was the most difficult month all season, started out hot and then humid and it stayed for over 2 weeks...Had a rather tired staff and super.( My central air was out at my house)
August started out ok, attempted the 1st of 3 seedings on 14th fairway...did a whole lot of aeration, seeding, topdressing, and watering to revive this hole. Come to figure out the irrigation water was causing some problems.
September and following months was like planned clockwork...aeration, seeding, high school kids....
No major irrigation problems this season. Maybe after 16 seasons the pump station finally aknowledged I'm the higher authority here.
Finally I would like to thank all the people who golf at the Sanctuary Golf Course, it's staff and the volunteers who make this happen.
I'd like to personally thank the guys on the grounds staff, who worked through the brutal season we come to know as 2011.
I've been in this business called golf since 1984...this season ranks up there with the worst, 1988, 1991, 1995, 2010, and now 2011.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
2011....Is it done yet?
- Aerated all playing surfaces
- Topdressed Greens, problem areas on fairways, and approaches
- Reseeded and topdressed 14 fairway
- Leaf cleanup
- Brought in all golf accessories for winter service
- Removed trees approved on holes 14 and 15
- Covered range tee for the winter
- Applied all snowmold controls to greens tees and approaches
- Organized shop for winter storage and work
- Staff left for the season on October 28th
- Irrigation system was winterized in early November
- The course is still open, and available for play
- Equipment servicing has begun
- Budgeting process has begun
With this list, we've come to the part of the season that staff likes, Vacation.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
It's been a way too long
A lot has been happening around here.
14 fairway recovery...reseeded 3 times. Finally looking like a fairway. This includes some new drainage near the 150 marker.
Aerated 19 greens, 8.5 hours and topdressed with sand, and fertilizer.
Aerating fairways with solid tines, almost complete!!!! Tees and approaches are next.
Just completed our 3rd high school conference meet today. Kids are finally done.
We will be planning and execution of some tree trimming and removals on 14 and 15 fairways.
We will be doing greenside drainage on holes 2, 3, and 6. This is from water freezing on the these greens and had to be manually removed last February.
Sodding will be on greenside slopes on 2,3, 6, 10, 14, and 15. This is for various reasons, such as tired grass...drainage...lack of grass from bunker sand buildup.
Any questions feel free to email me at, I'll be glad to get back to you.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Heat ...HEAT... and just for good cause...more HEAT
The staff has been doing what I call a fantastic job for only 6 seasonal and 3 full time staff members. I'm to the point of considering the irrigation system a full time staff member. As of today is has operated 24 of the last 25 evenings. These were full on whole course waterings. So when you see a staff member, remember they are the reason why the course is looking as good as it does.
What we are doing due to the heat and humidity:
- Course has received fungicides and growth regulators applied on all playing surfaces.
- Greens height of cut increased and frequency of mowing has been decreased.
- Routine maintenance activities have been modified due to the heat and humidity, they will return to normal when cooler seasonal weather arrives.
- Hand watering of putting surfaces in conjunction with the application of wetting agents to the playing surfaces have been good at retaining moisture.
- Needle tining of putting surfaces...this allows the greens to vent gases and allows water to perk through them. Remember we are throwing a lot of ground water from the pond.
FYI, .19" rain in July...record was .89, which .76 fell in one storm.
Any questions, feel free to contact me at the course... the guy on the Gator#4, and as always, please rake the bunkers, fix your divots, and repair your ball marks.
This time of the year, due to various reasons I'm usually asking for some snow....So who's with me?
Monday, July 11, 2011
Well, It's been awhile....
We've gone from WET to dry....go figure.
Just as a follow up from the last post, the maintenance building was struck by lightning. The strike came in from the irrigation radio remote control system antenna, then went through the control system, into the PC, then out to the IP based phone system, which in turn took out the phone switch, 2 phones, a network card, the onsite weather station, and the computer printer.
So for your folks keeping score this season, it's Mother Nature 3, Doug 0.....2 floods and a lightning strike....
Course is in good shape considering the lack of rainfall is dictating the nightly use of overhead irrigation. Hand watering is being accomplished during play. Any necessary additional overhead watering is done before play begins at 6AM.
Needle tine aerification is being done in the mornings to open up greens due to the use of constant overhead watering and needed gas exchanges.
The 14th Fairway is roped off again this season....dry spots, floods, root dysfunction, and tree root competition have given the fairway it's annual spanking. So we will be reseeding the fairway with a different variety of bent grass and doing a very aggressive core cultivation with the seeding. The plan is to do this the 1st or 2nd week of August, weather and Mother Nature permitting.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Since the last time I posted....
We've had a flood which closed the back nine for 3 days. We had water on holes 5, 6, 10, 12 through 18. The water on 17 and 18 was the last to go... again. Suffered some minor damage with debris and cart path restoration work on 14 and 15.
The bridge on 6 had water running across the bridge deck and flowing around it. Had water on the approach on 5 for a day. All the bunkers had to be pumped(72) and plowed back up. so far 144 hours of labor in just in storm management costs.
Friday morning, apparently I pissed off Mother Nature, she decided to strike the maintenance building with lightning. She hit the irrigation control radio remote antenna, which in turn took out the control panel, then the PC, then it went to the phones, and weather station, and then to the phone switch and mechanic's phone and PC..... I'd love to show you pictures, but I can't get them out of the camera, they will follow.
So the course is back to open, all 18 carts are 90 degrees today.
Any questions please feel free to ask.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Yeah , it rained just a wee bit...
Monday, June 6, 2011
Here we go
Tuesday is the Kids Day at the Sanctuary Golf Course. This year will be interesting, they will have to do a mini test at the practice green about raking bunkers, ball marks, where and where not to take pull carts. Biggest thing I hope the kids grasp is actually walking on the greens and not flailing their putters like swords.
And as always please fix your ball marks and one more.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
LOOK NO rain...
Ladies Invitational is today. The women seemed pleased.
No cart restrictions on the whole course.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day
We had received another .35" of rain, bringing the weeks total to 4.11", and a total of 5.1" for the month.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Carts on the paths ...Again
We have received 3.8" of rainfall since Wednesday. We have a lot of wet spots on the course and as of 9AM the course is still discharging into Hickory Creek, after the back nine had been closed for 2 days. However, another quick rain event in New Lenox and east of the course, the back nine will be taking more water on again.... So carts on the paths until further notice.
Bunkers were in good shape on Saturday morning, however they didn't get pumped or raked Sunday. The NWS has issued another Thunderstorm Warning out today, ...go figure.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
CARTS on the path
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Hydraulic Oil Leak....
Well it happens...with all the equipment on the course, which run on hydraulic oil, we occasionally have a machine break a part. We did on the approach mower on #12 green.
This area was re-sodded to keep golfers from tracking the oil on the course.... This area is ground under repair.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Poa annua…..
This last week people have been asking about the Poa…Well, Pencross was the variety of bent our greens were planted to in fall 1995. Pencross is also the variety of bent that is currently on the Tees. It is an old variety of bent that is not as aggressive as the newer bents. So here is my spiel on Poa:
Poa loves the colder, wetter seasons that we’ve had the last few seasons. (Yes, the 2010 season was warm; we had to use additional water to cool plants). We will be scaling back on overhead sprinkler applications of water, expect to see more hand watering.
Poa will start growing when the soil thaws. Bent prefers 55 degrees. Bent will change color but not normally grow much until then. Currently, we are approaching the high 50’s on putting surfaces. Depth of temp is measured at 4”.
Poa is a prolific seed head producer, up until a handful of seasons ago; there was a limited few choices in the controls of seed heads. I’ve applied a proven combination of growth regulators on the putting surfaces to control seed heads this season, so far so good.
Poa is the only grass that is on ALL seven continents of the Earth. It is highly adaptable to growing and cultural conditions. Oakmont CC in Pittsburgh mows Poa at .080” (no typo) everyday.
Poa hates extended heat and humidity (days, not hours.). Period.
Poa doesn’t like a growth regulator called Paclobutrazol, it will cause the Poa to look off color and grow shorter. I’ve used this in the past and will continue its use in the future.
So this season, expect to see the greens aerator on a more rigid schedule of venting. The topdresser will be seen at least once every 14 days, with rates of sand varying at times.
And finally, this next weekend is our first adventure in a 2 day tournament at the Sanctuary GC. The I-80 Am is currently full. The greens are putting nice and expect some difficult pins.
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Sun makes an appearance
Today the carts are still on the paths. The carts are probably going to be 90 degrees tomorrow. Just as a reminder 90 degrees means you can drive from the path to your ball, hit your ball and return to the path. Other wise the carts turn into a bunch of free range turf predators...leaving ruts and scaring healthy turf. I would appreciate that the golf carts are kept under control, because there's always a group of rebellious carts that need to have an attitude adjustment.
Thanks, and enjoy this thing called the Sun.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Rain .....
This week has not been good to the course, NO flooding but exceptionally wet. We’ve had rain in the gauge everyday for the last 10 days. Rain is still predicted for another 2 days.
So turf will be mowed only if it can support mower, bunkers work will continue as needed; IE pumping and plowing sand.
So we’re back to projects again.
Until further notice, Sorry , CARTS on the PATHS
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Here we go again...
- Edging of the bunkers
- Solid tine aeration of tees and fairways
- Needle tine aeration of all the putting surfaces
- Tree trimming and removal on the 14th hole near the tee box, should have done this years ago…
- Tree removal near the 6th green, much improved airflow.
- Fertilization of the putting surfaces
- Pre-emergent weed control of the roughs and deep rough
- Through cleaning of the shop.
- Resurfacing of the tee markers
All the playing surfaces have been mowed at least twice, and the green a half dozen or so times.
We are planning a heavy topdressing in the near future, weather permitting.
Chipping green is open, along with hitting off the grass on the range.
14 Tee, This is before, last fall, courtesy of the Clubhouse.


The better picture:

Sunday, April 10, 2011
I guess I'm going to do this full time....
Here is an update for the course for the week of April 10th. today we are hosting the second day of the MAJGT Junior Golf tournament. Area players from the surrounding area aged 13-18 are playing. Low score was 68, 4 total players under 72.
The organizers are very good at running this tournament. Only moved a few hazard stakes, painted all the hazards lines, and setup the range for the players.
As for maintenance concerns this week, we will be finishing up our tree trimming on #14 tee, fertilizer on the greens and rough, do some mowing, topdress putting surfaces, and finally be off the grass on the range tee.
As people know, I submit a Board report for the Park District, and one of the biggest concerns was snowmold and winterkill from ice. Needless to say, i've been here 15 seasons and finally had to break ice on greens. #2, #3, #6 and #11 greens ice was removed. As for winterkill, I can only say we had minor killing on #6 and the putting green. I expect a full recovery.