Couple weeks have passed since the Great Flood of 2013. Bunker sand replacement is starting on the flooded bunkers on 14 fairway. Most of the debris is picked and gone, if not mulched when the rough finally got mowed.
Bridge on 6 still needs a permanent repair. Paths on 14/15 need a final grading again. The retrieval of gravel in the rough on 14 is about half complete.
Repairs are still ongoing on the
irritation irrigation system. Turns out that a section of the communication wire will need to be replaced. So 5 modems, a central com board, and 2 transformers later, plans are in the works for a possible moving of my problem child satellite.
On a more positive note, putting surfaces will get their first deep needle tine aeration this Sunday night after 6 pm.
Thanks. And always fix your ballmarks.