Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Since the last time I posted....

Well since the last time I've posted, Mother Nature has reared her ugly head.....3.5" of rain at the course.

We've had a flood which closed the back nine for 3 days. We had water on holes 5, 6, 10, 12 through 18. The water on 17 and 18 was the last to go... again. Suffered some minor damage with debris and cart path restoration work on 14 and 15.

The bridge on 6 had water running across the bridge deck and flowing around it. Had water on the approach on 5 for a day. All the bunkers had to be pumped(72) and plowed back up. so far 144 hours of labor in just in storm management costs.

Friday morning, apparently I pissed off Mother Nature, she decided to strike the maintenance building with lightning. She hit the irrigation control radio remote antenna, which in turn took out the control panel, then the PC, then it went to the phones, and weather station, and then to the phone switch and mechanic's phone and PC..... I'd love to show you pictures, but I can't get them out of the camera, they will follow.

So the course is back to open, all 18 carts are 90 degrees today.

Any questions please feel free to ask.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Yeah , it rained just a wee bit...

Here is a couple of pics from today's little rain event.....

18 Fwy at 1PM

18 FWY at 8am

I would like to thank Mother Nature today for the lovely 3.5" of rainfall.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Here we go

The temperature roller coaster is going again...up and down...next will be the humidity.

Tuesday is the Kids Day at the Sanctuary Golf Course. This year will be interesting, they will have to do a mini test at the practice green about raking bunkers, ball marks, where and where not to take pull carts. Biggest thing I hope the kids grasp is actually walking on the greens and not flailing their putters like swords.

And as always please fix your ball marks and one more.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

LOOK NO rain...

Finally no rain, course is looking good...

Ladies Invitational is today. The women seemed pleased.

No cart restrictions on the whole course.