Monday, March 11, 2013

The "F" Word....

Things have progressed here at The Sanctuary pretty good this winter.  No diseases what so ever.  Nice amount of snow,  a near miss on crown re hydration, and now the "F" word.

NO, it's not the "Free" word it's the other one that hasn't been used for a while...Flood.  With the soils frozen, and .85" of rain with 6"+ snow on the course we flooded.  This event has come and now receding.  We are coming off one of the worst droughts (-12.25") in my 25+ years of golf course management and we flood. 

Well one thing this rain event helps with, the pond on the 3rd hole is nearing full pool, first time in 2 years.That pond is the water table in that area of the course. 

So with that all happening, the equipment is still being worked on, the course accessories are being painted and restored, budget forecasting is still being done, and  other inside work is still being accomplished.

And for a note of history , March 9th, 2012, mowed greens for the first time, changed full depth cups and put out course accessories.  This could be a season that the first mowing won't occur until probably April.  And I was planning on charging the irrigation system as soon as possible.....

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